Thompsons Updates


Keeping up to date with Information

  • An employee portal is in place with both Company and Government guidance. Please read this guidance.
  • Emails, MEMOs and toolbox talks are in place.  Please adhere to all information provided for your protection.


If you meet one of the following criteria you should not come to site:

  • If you have a high temperature or a new persistent cough – follow the guidance on self-isolation
  • Are a vulnerable person (by virtue of their age, underlying health condition, clinical condition or pregnant or have received an NHS letter advising extended isolation)?
  • Are living with someone in self-isolation or a vulnerable person and are shielding.

Procedure if You Fall Ill

If you develop a high temperature or a persistent cough while at work, you should:

  • Return home immediately
  • Avoid touching anything
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue and put it in a bin, or if they do not have tissues, cough and sneeze into the crook of their elbow
  • Contact the HR Department to inform them of your illness
  • Follow the government guidance on self-isolation and not return to work until your period of self-isolation has been completed

General advice on Covid-19 Mitigation:

  • Wash your hands more often (with soap and water) for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitiser before you leave the house and when you get to work.  Repeat when you leave work, when you blow your nose, sneeze or cough, eat or handle food
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who have symptoms
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin and wash your hands
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

Head Office Clock-in / out

  • Hand washing facilities are available to wash your hands for before & after clocking in/out
  • Hand sanitisers are in place and these are to be used before and after use of the clocking system.
  • Only one person is to be at the clocking station at any one time.  Maintain 2m+ social distancing at all times.  Adhere to the marked zone areas on the floor to ensure social distancing is maintained.
  • There is a one-way system in place.  Enter and exit the building following the one-way system and adhering to the “no entry” signs on the doors.

Travel to Site

  • Thompsons will ensure that wherever possible workers will travel to site alone using their own transport or transport provided by the Company. 
  • You are only permitted to share a vehicle if there is no other option and by prior arrangement with the Directors.  In this instance you must adhere to the following:
    • Share with the same individuals and with the minimum number of people at any one time 
    • Wherever possible maintain a distance of two metres and avoid touching your face 
    • Maintain good ventilation (i.e. keeping the windows open) and face away from each other during the journey
    • Wash your hands for 20 seconds using soap and water or hand sanitiser if soap and water are not available before entering and after getting out of the vehicle
    • Regularly clean the vehicle using gloves and standard cleaning products, with particular emphasis on handles and other surfaces which may be touched during the journey.

Site Access Points 

  • Non-essential visitors must not visit site
  • Staggered start and finish times will be considered to reduce congestion and contact at all times.  Adhere to any controls in place.  
  • No gatherings – consider your actions & ensure 2m social distancing
  • Work as a team to ensure that the site entry points (gates) are regularly disinfected. 
  • All workers are required to wash or clean their hands before entering or leaving the site 
  • Persons entering or leaving site must maintain a minimum of two metres standoff.
  • Work as a team to regularly clean common contact surfaces in mess, office, access and other shared areas, particularly during peak flow times
  • Adhere to minimum of two metres standoff during Safety Briefings, Inductions etc.  Where possible these will be held in the fresh air
  • Drivers should remain in their vehicles if the load will allow it and must wash or clean their hands before unloading goods and materials. 

Hand Washing

  • The number of persons on site and the existing hand washing points will be monitored, to enable all persons to be able to quickly and effectively wash your hands prior to breaks, site entry/exit and all other requirements.
  • Use the soap and fresh water to regularly clean your hands.  Ensure it is kept topped up at all times 
  • Use hand sanitiser where hand washing facilities are unavailable 
  • Regularly clean the hand washing facilities and check soap and sanitiser levels

Toilet Facilities

  • Where sites are busy a rota will be in place to restrict the number of people using toilet facilities at any one time.  Adhere to all systems in place.
  • You are required to wash hands before and after using the facilities
  • Work as a team to ensure that cleaning is in place to clean toilet facilities particularly door handles, locks and the toilet flush

Eating Arrangements

  • Within welfare provisions the microwave, kettle etc must be cleaned before each use, with respect to touch points.
  • You are required to stay on site once you have entered it and not use local shops.
  • For busy sites, break times will be staggered to reduce congestion and contact at all times.  Adhere to any system in place.
  • Hand cleaning facilities or hand sanitiser will be available at the entrance of any room where people eat and must be used when entering and leaving the area 
  • You should bring pre-prepared meals and refillable drinking bottles from home 
  • You must sit 2 metres apart from each other whilst eating and avoid all contact – No Gatherings/huddling
  • All areas used for eating must be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each break and shift, including chairs, door handles etc.

Avoiding Close Working

  • Adhere to your Method Statement and the instructions of your Supervisor and Manager throughout your work.
  • You must maintain a 2m+ physical / social distance at all times where possible.
  • Non-essential physical work that requires close contact between workers should not be carried out
  • Work requiring skin to skin contact should not be carried out
  • We will plan all other work to minimise contact between workers
  • Re-usable PPE must be cleaned after use and not shared between workers
  • Single use PPE must be disposed of so that it cannot be reused 
  • Regularly clean touchpoints, doors, buttons etc.
  • Increase ventilation in enclosed spaces by opening doors, windows etc
  • Regularly clean the inside of vehicle cabs and all touch points, between use by different operators. 

Site Meetings 

  • Meetings must be held via remote access where possible (tele-conference, Zoom, Teams etc)
  • Where meetings must take place on site then only absolutely necessary meeting participants should attend and maintain social distancing no gatherings / huddling
  • Attendees must be two metres apart from each other 
  • Rooms must be well ventilated / windows opened to allow fresh air circulation
  • Meetings should be held in the fresh air where possible